Thursday, January 2, 2020

The And Educational Welfare Of A Child - 1097 Words

ELC When reflected back upon my internship and all the different activities that encompass the ELCC standards, I was amazed how most assignments can be related to school improvement. I can consider that I believe the class was school and community relations my topic research was Response to Intervention. (RTI) In my current district the graduation rate is around 86% compared to the State of Arkansas at 80% and national average in the mid 70’s. Although my school is very good compared to other schools across the state and the nation, it occurred to me we could still be better. My hope was not just to write a paper and earn a good grade, but to write a paper and try to make a difference in the life and educational†¦show more content†¦Most if not all of these students eventually were placed into a smaller group environment called Alternative Learning Environment. (ALE). What I gathered was these students wasted 3-4 school years to finally make it to a more intensive behavi oral environment that caters to academics as well. My objective was to implement a more intensive RTI program at an earlier age to identify these students and use more intensive classroom interventions to identify the student’s needs. The biggest concern I had working on my research paper and working with administration was the fact if a 9th grader failed at least two classes they carried a 50% more risk to drop out of high school. The principal agreed to implement a RTI committee that the chair person is an administrator and work as a team identifying at risk students at an earlier date. To this day the RTI team is working and identifying students attempting to help the student be successful in the classroom. I can honestly say if it wasn’t for my internship and realizing that a need existed, more than likely I would have not been involved near as much as I am now. My recommendation for school improvement would be for a solid RTI committee to include parents and stude nts into an education contract. This proposal would could possibly achieve many benefits to the stakeholders. 1, the school, student, and parent sign a

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